FOR is a political party. The greatest atrocities, loss of life, oppression and degradation occur during war. Therefore, FOR has the fight against war as its main purpose.

FOR is based on the ideals of the international labor movement which promotes the perspective of the oppressed, solidarity, equality, and the struggle against war.
USA’s and NATO’s wars have ruined the respect for the UN Charter and have created the basis for the war in Ukraine
The UN Charter’s prohibition against the use of military force other than in self-defence is the most important protection small countries like Norway can receive. Nevertheless, Norway has participated in a series of wars in recent decades which are illegal based upon the UN Charter. We have only done this due to our alliance with the USA within NATO. The goal has been to defend the US position as the world’s only superpower, but the effect has been that other large powers also use military power to further their interests. If Norway is to be able to contribute to restoring international law, we must start with a reassessment of our own policies when it comes to war.

Restore International Law
FOR is fighting against the jailing of whistleblowers, and against the transfer of power away from elected entities, and for the rights of minorities and indigenous peoples
In recent decades, democracy in Norway and in other western countries has been weakened in that a lot of power has been taken away from elected officials and transferred to supranational entities that are in large part controlled by large corporations. Instead, conventions that were meant to protect indigenous peoples and minorities become ignored. At the same time, we have seen increasing censorship in the public space whilst those who have blown the whistle on illegal surveillance and war crimes have been prosecuted. FOR is fighting to preserve freedom of speech and the public’s right to know, and to bring power back to those we have elected.

Defend democracy
Israel’s genocide of Palestinians must be stopped with boycott and prosecution of all who send weapons to Israel
Israel was created in 1948 through the expulsion of three-quarters of the population of Palestinians who originally lived there. In 1967, Israel also took control over the rest of Palestine, together with the Golan, which belongs to Syria, and has since let Israeli settlers illegally take over steadily more of the land. Since October 2023, Israel has worked openly to kill or expel Palestinians from Gaza. What Israel is attempting to carry out is a genocide. FOR is fighting for a just peace where all the inhabitants of historic Palestine, from the River Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea, are granted equal democratic rights.

Free Palestine – from the river to the sea
Peace and disarmament will give us the money we need for better welfare, and is a prerequisite in order for us to be able to battle the climate crisis
Norway today has the absolute highest per capita military budget in Europe. Nevertheless, all the parties in Stortinget have committed to doubling this in the coming years. This will force increases in both taxes and fees and a cut in welfare in the years to come. FOR will go the opposite way. We will expand the public welfare to fight poverty and to give us better quality-time and a better quality of life, while at the same time reducing carbon emissions. Trimming the military budget will enable us to afford this.

Build up welfare – not weapon stockpiles
Our Areas of Focus
For Peace and Against War
- Stop the Genocide – Free Palestine!
- End the war in the Ukraine.
- Out of NATO now!

Labour and Environmental Policies
- Full Employment.
- Against sosial dumping and exploitation.
- Social Security and Equal Pay.