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Styremedlem Peter Eisensteins appell pÄ LOs fanemarkering 22.07.2024

We are here today to honour the cherished memory of the victims and pay tribute to the survivors of the unspeakable terrorist attack that took place on UtÞya island and the government square 13 years ago today. 

These young men and women, many under the age of 18, that is, really, children and youth, were targeted for no other reason than the principles and values they stood for: tolerance, solidarity, and equality. They stood not only against far right extremism and racism, but they offered another vision, albeit a vision that was just taking shape as their lives were cut short or irreversibly altered.

As brutal, tragic and unforgivable as this terrorist attack was, it was only unique in terms of the country in which it occurred, but sadly not in its choice of victims. The main target of racism, the main victim of white supremacists, has always been children and youth.

And it is the ideology of white supremacy that has shaped the modern world through colonialism. 
What is colonialism if not the ideology of white supremacy, as captured so well in the phrase the white man’s burden. 
A phrase that was coined and meant to be spoken without irony.

Imperial rule was barbaric enough. In these areas, such as India and many African tribal nations, European colonisers enslaved the local inhabitants and stole the resources. 

Settler colonialism, however, in which the European colonisers stole the land itself, settler colonialism always brought with it genocide. 

Children and youth were the first targets of these white supremacists. From the Indian wars of the American continent to the half-caste act of Australia, colonisers always knew to target children and youth.

Many of these white supremacist crimes were long hidden from the societies and cultures which violently replaced the indigenous peoples. Growing up in the US in the 1960s, neither I nor my friends ever heard of the Native American genocide. And since I was raised in a zionist household, I never heard of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

But the crimes of white supremacists, the crimes of colonisers, can no longer be so easily hidden.

The most recent, and hopefully final, European settler colonial project is zionist Israel. This is no longer controversial, as the international court of justice declared just a few days ago that Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian land has mutated into annexation. 

As many of you certainly know, you do not have to be jewish to be a zionist, you just have to be a racist. 

What some of you might not know, is that zionism itself is actually a European restorationist christian idea from the early 19th century. It was taken up by the secular Jew Theodor Herzl and then given the European colonial imprimatur by Lord Balfour in the scandalous Balfour declaration of 1917.

It is important to note that there was only one jewish Member of Parliament in the British House of Commons in 1917. His name was Edwin Montagu and when the Balfour declaration came to a vote, Montagu voted against it and explicitly referred to the Balfour declaration as antisemitic. 

Anyone can be forgiven for not knowing of the zionist crimes of the 40s and 50s. But the barbaric occupation of Palestine since 1967, and now the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people is taking place everyday on our front pages and at the top of our news programs. 

Nine months of a genocide. 
And our support of this genocide is more than just our collective silence.
Our support of this genocide is tangible and profitable. 
And no one can claim ignorance.

And just like the settler colonial projects of the past, and the barbaric act of July 22, 2011, zionist Israel, today, targets children and youth. 
Nearly half of Gaza’s population are children.

Why do white supremacists target children and youth? 
Because they are the future. 
And the whole purpose of genocide is to erase the future.

This is why the July 22 attack was so despicable. It was specifically designed to not just be a crime of the moment. The impact of July 22 is more present today than ever before because those young men and women represented the best of Norway’s future. And thirteen years on, the future, which should have been today, has been erased. 

Instead, the future we have received, the ever-present “now” in which we live, is one of a jingoistic, indeed a white supremacist foreign policy and an increased polarisation at home. 

As much as we would like to think of Norway as a country of peace, in reality Norway profits from war, profits from genocide and has relinquished its own sovereignty to a foreign power which now controls a significant part of Norwegian soil. This is a reality to which the heinous white supremacist crime of July 22, 2011 was but a harbinger.   

Because those children and youth rejected racism and white supremacy, because those young men and women believed so strongly in the goodness of the human spirit, they were the enemy to white supremacist ideology and that is why each one of them remains a hero to humanity. 

While the crime was monstrous and the loss devastating, we do not have the luxury of despair. The reality we face today requires each one of us to find the courage to create the future that our lost youth envisioned for us. 

We must not give up the fight. 
We must not fail them. 
And as a society, we must not fail ourselves. 

Tiltal Kongsberggruppen, ikke Ole Bertheus SĂžrensen! 

Styret i Fred og rettferdighet uttrykker ubetinget stÞtte og beundring for den innsatsen Ole Bertheus SÞrensen har gjort for Ä stanse folkemordet i Gaza, som han nÄ stÄr tiltalt for. Kongsberggruppen er blant vÄpenprodusentene som fortsetter Ä levere vÄpnene til folkemordet som Israel utsetter det palestinske folket for. Ved Ä bryte seg inn og sÞke Ä Þdelegge deler til kampflyet F-35 som oppbevares pÄ Kongsberggruppens anlegg pÄ Rygge, har SÞrensen sÞkt Ä svekke Israels evne til Ä drepe enda flere barn og andre sivile. SÞrensen har derfor helt rett i Ä kreve frifinnelse ut fra nÞdvergeparagrafen.

Israelske regjeringsmedlemmers uttalelser levner ingen tvil om at mĂ„let for Israel er Ă„ drepe palestinere og Ă„ skape levekĂ„r som har til hensikt Ă„ Ăždelegge palestinerne pĂ„ Gaza som nasjonal gruppe, helt eller delvis. NĂ„r Israel til nĂ„ har drept nĂŠr 15 000 barn, flere enn i alle vĂŠpnede konflikter i hele verden til sammen de siste fire Ă„rene, er det Ă„penbart resultat av en bevisst politikk. Alle som bistĂ„r det israelske militĂŠrvesenet som utfĂžrer folkemordet, er derfor medskyldige. I straffelovens paragraf 101 fastslĂ„s det at «til straff for medvirkning er forsett om hovedforĂžverens Ăždeleggelseshensikt tilstrekkelig.» Det er umulig Ă„ tenke seg at ledelsen i Kongsberggruppen pĂ„ dette stadiet ikke er kjent med Israels Ăždeleggelseshensikt. Fred og rettferdighet krever derfor ikke bare at anklagene mot SĂžrensen for alvorlig skadeverk frafalles, men ogsĂ„ at det reises tiltale mot konsernledelsen i Kongsberggruppen for medvirkning til folkemord.

Det at den norske staten fortsatt ikke forholder seg til at Israel begÄr folkemord, pÄ tross av all dokumentasjon som er framlagt, fÞyer seg inn i et skammelig historisk mÞnster. I Ärene rett fÞr utbruddet av andre verdenskrig var Nazi-Tysklands folkemorderiske hensikt allment kjent, men Norge fortsatte likevel Ä handle med Nazi-Tyskland som aldri fÞr, spesielt ved Ä tilrettelegge for utfÞrsel av strategisk viktig jernmalm fra Sverige. Motstandsgruppen under ledelse av Martin Hjelmen, som sÞkte Ä sabotere forsyninger til Nazi-Tyskland fra norske havner var helter, pÄ tross av at de vurdert som kriminelle ut fra datidens norske lover. PÄ samme mÄte er Ole Bertheus SÞrensen en helt uavhengig av hva slags slutninger norske domstoler vil komme til.

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