FOR is a political party. The greatest atrocities, loss of life, oppression and degradation occur during war. Therefore, FOR has the fight against war as its main purpose.

FOR is based on the ideals of the international labor movement which promotes the perspective of the oppressed, solidarity, equality, and the struggle against war.
FOR’s principles:
FOR challenges the perception that we benefit when Norway and NATO go to war.
FOR rejects the idea that we benefit when Norway and NATO go to war. FOR focuses on Norwegian and Western participation in wars, challenges the Norwegian and Western mediaâs portrayal of war, and highlights our responsibility for the wars. War does not only lead to thousands of dead soldiers and civilians. The material destruction of war and the loss of development opportunities lead to poverty and suffering. FORâs anti-war work will lead to disarmament, dĂ©tente, mutual security and reconciliation without military blocs.
FOR supports the purpose of the Nobel Peace Prize.
As a nation of peace, Norway shall act in the spirit of the Peace Prize, not just hand it out. Norway must therefore actively work for the reduction of military forces, the organization of peace congresses, and the fraternization of nations. Norway needs a Ministry of Peace.
Get Norway out of NATO
Get Norway out of NATO. NATO threatens Norwayâs security and is the main reason why the danger of nuclear war and the annihilation of humanity is greater than ever.
Get Norway to ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
The war in Ukraine has shown us that peace and justice cannot be achieved by military victory
The war in Ukraine has shown us that peace and justice cannot be achieved by military victory for Ukraine and NATO. FOR stands instead for an immediate halt to all Norwegian arms deliveries to war with demands for a ceasefire and peace negotiations. Instead of expanding NATO, the political and cultural rights of citizens in all parts of Ukraine must be safeguarded.
FOR will lift all self-destructive or inconsistent and unjust sanctions.
FOR will lift all self-destructive or inconsistent and unjust sanctions. FOR will work to ensure that sanctions through the UN are used against countries that violate international law, but on the basis of equal principles and equal treatment regardless of whether it is Western allies or rival states that commit violations of international law.
Demand that Israel abolish apartheid and give everyone equal rights.
FOR supports the campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel until the illegal annexations are lifted and the apartheid system is fully dismantled.
Norway shall be a state governed by the rule of law
Norway shall be a state governed by the rule of law with democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and the right to know. Despite all the rhetoric in the West, this is non-existent as long as Julian Assange is imprisoned and Edward Snowden must remain in exile in Russia.
Build up welfare â not weapons stockpiles
We will provide free dental care for adults, free school meals, sports and cultural activities for children because we want to disarm the military. Those who want to upgrade the military, on the other hand, will offer «solidarity-based welfare cuts» in the years to come. Equal treatment of refugees regardless of country of origin.
Stop the wars, not the war refugees
Refugees are the result of our wars. The West must stop all destabilization everywhere in the world, and instead rebuild destroyed infrastructure. This will stop the flow of refugees.
Realistic energy policy â stop electrification of the shelf and oil exploration in the Arctic
The claim that Norwegian oil is the cleanest in the world is a lie based on the nonsensical idea of using valuable hydroelectric power to drive oil extraction. The last oil must be extracted in the poorest countries in the world, those that have never before benefited from oil revenues, not in the worldâs richest countries in the worldâs most vulnerable ecosystem.
Get Norway out of the EEA
Ensure national self-determination, including in finance. Reverse the privatization of the health and transport sectors.
Fight against social dumping
Job seekers from all countries must be treated equally. No special treatment for EU citizens. Immigrant workers must have Norwegian employment and Norwegian tariffs.
Leisure time rather than consumption
FOR will extend parental leave to two years, introduce a four-day work-week and a basic income, a universal and unconditional income that is given to everyone to cover the individualâs basic needs.
Our Areas of Focus
For Peace and Against War
- Stop the Genocide – Free Palestine!
- End the war in the Ukraine.
- Out of NATO now!

Labour and Environmental Policies
- Full Employment.
- Against sosial dumping and exploitation.
- Social Security and Equal Pay.