Torgeir Holgersen

  • – Israel gjennomfĂžrer «den endelige lĂžsninga»

    – Israel gjennomfĂžrer «den endelige lĂžsninga»

    – Vi mĂ„ forstĂ„ at de mener alvor nĂ„r sier de skal utslette Gaza, at Vestbredden er neste, og at Al-Aqsa-moskeen skal rives, skriver den prisbelĂžnte journalisten Chris Hedges. Til tross for at over 10 000 palestinere, blant dem over 4 000 barn, til nĂ„ er drept i Israels hemningslĂžse bombing av sivile mĂ„l pĂ„ Gaza, vekker…

  • Israel – en nazi-stat?

    JĂždene ble forsĂžkt utslettet av nazistene under andre verdenskrig. Kan vi likevel si at nazistisk tankegods i dag preger staten som definerer seg som jĂždisk?

  • Vil Israel bruke kjemiske vĂ„pen?

    Vil Israel bruke kjemiske vÄpen? Israels president hevder Ä ha beviser for at Hamas besitter kjemiske vÄpen, men hvem har stÞrst motiv for Ä bruke det?

  • sprer israelsk desinformasjon

    Ved blant annet Ă„ gjengi et fabrikkert israelsk lydopptak som ekte bevis, bidrar til Ă„ skape en falsk uklarhet rundt hva som skjedde da Israel bombet al-Ahli-sykehuset pĂ„ Gaza tirsdag kveld.  «Israel mener Ă„ ha bevis for at det er grupperingen Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) som stĂ„r bak, og har publisert et lydopptak av det…

  • Israel implements “the final solution” 

    8. November 2023  “When Jewish extremists, fanatic Zionists, religious zealots, ultranationalists and crypto-fascists in the apartheid state of Israel say they want to wipe Gaza off the face of the earth, believe them,” writes award-winning journalist Chris Hedges.  Despite the fact that over 10,000 Palestinians, among them over 4,000 children, have so far been killed…

  • spreads Israeli disinformation

    By, among other things, accepting a fabricated Israeli audio recording as real evidence, contributes to creating a false lack of clarity around what happened when Israel bombed the al-Ahli hospital in Gaza on Tuesday evening.  “Israel says it has proof that the group Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) is behind it, and has published an…

  • Israel – a Nazi state? 

    November 2, 2023  The Nazis attempted to exterminate the Jews during the Second World War. But can we say that Nazi ideology characterises the state that defines itself as Jewish?  In the following text, I will first explain the characteristics of Nazism as a mindset and political action program, and then discuss to what extent…

  • “Someone who actually supports us!” 

    FOR activists quickly ran out of leaflets with the slogan “No to arms to Ukraine!” during a demonstration against Israel’s war on Gaza.  On Wednesday 18 and Friday 20 October, the Palestine Committee organised a demonstration in front of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in protest against Norway’s passivity in the face of Israel’s genocidal…

  • Will Israel use chemical weapons? 

    Israel’s president claims to have evidence that Hamas possesses chemical weapons, but who has the greatest motive to use them?