Our campaign to collect signatures is completed!

Party 2025 01 09

FOR is now a registered political party, and so eligible to stand for the upcoming parliamentary election in 2025!

A big thank you to everybody who helped to collect signatures!

The struggle for peace and justice is our primary cause

The greatest atrocities, loss of life, oppression and degradations occur in war. Therefore, the struggle against war is FOR’s primary cause.

The FOR is based on the idea base of the international labour movement, which promotes the perspective, solidarity, equality of the oppressed and the fight against war.

Stop the genocide!

FOR demands that Norway suspend all trade with Israel immediately

Reconstruct international law!

The wars of the United States and NATO have destroyed respect for the UN Charter and created the basis for the war in Ukraine.

Assange banner

Defend democracy!

the FOR is fighting against increasing censorship, the imprisonment of whistleblowers and the relocation of power from elected bodies.

Rust up the welfare

Rust up the welfare – not the weapons stockpiles. Those who want to arm up militarily, on the other hand, will offer «solidarian welfare cuts» in the years to come.

Show more about the For Policy

You can contribute in several ways

Join the fight for peace and justice. As a member, you make a big difference. We look forward to seeing you with us!

See our events

The greatest atrocities, loss of life, oppression and degradations occur during war. Therefore, FOR the fight against war as the main purpose.

We host events with some of the best activists, artists and intellectuals

  • Arrangement against the war
  • Art exhibitions and performances
  • Public debates

We are active in anti-war protests and help organize events

  • Stop the genocide in Palestine
  • Free press, free Assange
  • Stop the war in Ukraine

“War is contempt for life came at a time when peace thinking and oppositional thoughts have worse conditions than in a long time.”

Board member FOR

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