The struggle for peace and justice is our primary purpose

FOR is Norway’s newest political party. The greatest atrocities, loss of life, oppression and degradation occur during war. This is why FOR’s main purpose is the struggle for peace and justice.

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FOR is now a registered political party, and is eligible to stand for the upcoming parliamentary election in 2025!

FOR is centered on the ideals of the international labor movement which promote the perspective of the oppressed, solidarity with all people, equality of genders, and the struggle against war.

Strengthen International Law!

The Western-centric “Rules Based Order, and the wars of the United States and NATO, have destroyed respect for the UN Charter.

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Stop the Genocide!

FOR demands that Norway suspend all trade and diplomatic relations with Israel until it abides by all UN Security Council resolutions and surrenders all Israeli indicted war criminals to the Hauge.

Assange banner

Defend Democracy!

FOR defends freedom of speech, demands the protection of whistleblowers, and seeks the annulment of anti-democratic supra-national commercial agreements.

Build-up the Welfare State

Build-up the welfare state – not the weapons stockpiles. Those who want to increase military spending can only offer “solidarity welfare cuts” in the years to come.

See more about FOR politics

You can contribute in several ways

Join the fight for peace and justice. As a member, you make a big difference. We look forward to seeing you with us!