
  • Support for Israel makes you legally complicit 

    Support for Israel makes you legally complicit Conservative UK MP Crispin Blunt fears his colleagues are unaware of the legal risk they take by voicing support for Israel.

  • Isolate the USA!

    13. November, 2023 Peace and Justice sees opposition to weapons for Ukraine and the desire to stop Israel’s genocide in Gaza as two sides of the same coin. The fact that support from the US is sufficient to allow Israel to continue is linked to the US’s global hegemony. FOR leader Marielle Leraand describes the…

  • Israel – a Nazi state? 

    November 2, 2023  The Nazis attempted to exterminate the Jews during the Second World War. But can we say that Nazi ideology characterises the state that defines itself as Jewish?  In the following text, I will first explain the characteristics of Nazism as a mindset and political action program, and then discuss to what extent…

  • Call it Genocide!

    Shoaib Sultan and Peter Eisenstein  What Israel is doing in Gaza meets all the criteria of a genocide. If we want to stop it, we have to say that what we are seeing is genocide.  The UN Genocide Convention defines genocide as “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national,…

  • Spanish minister: Indict Netanyahu for war crimes! 

    Spain’s social affairs minister asks his government to take the initiative to bring Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu before the ICC for war crimes.  “We ask our partner that we, the Spanish government, bring Netanyahu before the ICC for war crimes,” writes Ione Belerra on X. Belerra, who is Minister of Social Affairs and represents…

  • “Someone who actually supports us!” 

    FOR activists quickly ran out of leaflets with the slogan “No to arms to Ukraine!” during a demonstration against Israel’s war on Gaza.  On Wednesday 18 and Friday 20 October, the Palestine Committee organised a demonstration in front of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in protest against Norway’s passivity in the face of Israel’s genocidal…

  • Will Israel use chemical weapons? 

    Israel’s president claims to have evidence that Hamas possesses chemical weapons, but who has the greatest motive to use them?