FOR Politikk

  • Hvorfor trenger vi et fredsparti i Norge?

    Norge har blitt en krigsnasjon – med Jens Stoltenberg som nasjonalikon. Hvordan har vi endt der?, spĂžr styreleder i FOR, Marielle Leraand. Nesten ni av ti nordmenn sier i meningsmĂ„linger at de er for norske vĂ„penleveranser til krigen i Ukraina. Det er et unikt hĂžyt tall. I andre europeiske NATO-land viser meningsmĂ„lingene en langt mer delt befolkning, fra Storbritannias…

  • Ungarns statsminister: – Ukrainerne lider fra vestlig stĂžtte

    Pentagon krever at Ukraina ofrer fĂŠrre dyre droner og flere menn i krigen mot Russland. – Ukrainerne lider som fĂžlge av de vestlige vĂ„penleveransene, sier Ungarns statsminister. Washington Post melder at Pentagon begynner Ă„ bli utĂ„lmodig med at Ukraina forbruker sĂ„ mange dyre droner i krigen. De vil at Ukraina skal forbruke fĂŠrre droner, og…

  • FOR 4 dagers normalarbeidsuke!

    Stavanger gĂ„r i gang med et forsĂžk med 4-dagersuke i en av kommunens barnehager.  – Et tiltak som gir vanlige arbeidsfolk mer frihet i livene sine; tid til Ă„ leve, kommenterer styreleder i FOR, Marielle Leraand pĂ„ sin Facebookside. Innlegget gjengis under. I Gullfaks barnehage i Stavanger skal de ansatte fĂ„ samme lĂžnn, men jobbe…

  • In Memorium: Fredrik Heffermehl

    It’s a sad message I just received: Fredrik Heffermehl died today. It is only 6 weeks since Fredrik proudly launched his life’s work, an English translation of his book “The Real Nobel Peace Prize – a squandered opportunity to abolish war.” With Fredrik Heffermehl’s passing, a champion of disarmament and the fight against weapons and…

  • Norway will be complicit in genocide!

    “What Israel is announcing is GENOCIDE. Norwegian politicians who are now not doing EVERYTHING in their power to stop Israel are complicit,” says Marielle Leraand.  The background to why the chairwoman of Peace and Justice (FOR) sees reason to describe what Israel is announcing as genocide is a video message from Israel’s Defense Minister, Yoav…

  • Israel implements “the final solution” 

    8. November 2023  “When Jewish extremists, fanatic Zionists, religious zealots, ultranationalists and crypto-fascists in the apartheid state of Israel say they want to wipe Gaza off the face of the earth, believe them,” writes award-winning journalist Chris Hedges.  Despite the fact that over 10,000 Palestinians, among them over 4,000 children, have so far been killed…

  • spreads Israeli disinformation

    By, among other things, accepting a fabricated Israeli audio recording as real evidence, contributes to creating a false lack of clarity around what happened when Israel bombed the al-Ahli hospital in Gaza on Tuesday evening.  “Israel says it has proof that the group Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) is behind it, and has published an…

  • Support for Israel makes you legally complicit 

    Support for Israel makes you legally complicit Conservative UK MP Crispin Blunt fears his colleagues are unaware of the legal risk they take by voicing support for Israel.

  • Isolate the USA!

    13. November, 2023 Peace and Justice sees opposition to weapons for Ukraine and the desire to stop Israel’s genocide in Gaza as two sides of the same coin. The fact that support from the US is sufficient to allow Israel to continue is linked to the US’s global hegemony. FOR leader Marielle Leraand describes the…

  • Israel – a Nazi state? 

    November 2, 2023  The Nazis attempted to exterminate the Jews during the Second World War. But can we say that Nazi ideology characterises the state that defines itself as Jewish?  In the following text, I will first explain the characteristics of Nazism as a mindset and political action program, and then discuss to what extent…